[EXCELL] โปรโมชั่น “เครื่องชั่งความละเอียดสูง”


  • Internal resolution is 600,000; Accuracy is higher than the old types.
  • High speed 24bits AD; Display reading speed is faster than the old types.
    (1) It needs just a short time from adding weight to stabilized.
    (2) It returns fast to zero when the weight is removed and no residual.
    (3) Zero key and Tare key react faster.
  • Anti-interference (EMS+EMI): Anti-radiation, Anti-static electricity, Anti- input power are stronger than the old type.
  • LCD displays full tare (Weight-6digits)
  • Auto calibration function, OL protection
  • Weight and quantity over-limit warning
  • Auto average unit weight, pre-tare function
  • 13 weighing units
  • Stable sampling range setting function
  • Low power and charging status indication


  • BH3-300 Balance LCD 300g x0.005g,RS232
  • BH3-600 BalanceLCD600g x0.01g, RS232
  • BH3-1200 Balance LCD 1200g x0.02g, RS232
  • BH3-3000 Balance LCD 3kg x0.05g, RS232

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